Commercial Cleaning Richmond

We love the job you hate to do! Our team only recruits experts with a great passion for cleaning. Just get the priceless experience from a passionate cleaning company in Melbourne. You will get expert and friendly assistance with customised plans from our cleaners.

ORZO team did a thorough job, and I was happy with the job, I am happy to recommend their business to others. - Tony, Brighton

200% gurantee

Fully Police Checked

Fully Insured

5 Star Rated Service

We love to see the transformation of dirty spaces to spotless in your business space. Our professionally trained, friendly team, serves you with the best commercial cleaning services in Richmond. Carefully choose every team member to ensure our clients get the best service.

You can hire a team that offers various cleaning services that fit different needs in Melbourne with advanced techniques and solutions. We value customer satisfaction in every project and are concerned about safety and quality.

Feel free to call us and get a free quote whatever your cleaning needs are. We are ready to serve you with the best solution.


Office Cleaning

Our company offers quality commercial cleaning services in Richmond at the best price for your commercial space. We do deep and regular cleaning of any commercial space with great care.

Childcare Centre Cleaning

Keep your childcare center safe and secure from allergens and germs for your cute ones. Our special cleaning service with a professional and friendly team uses mild solutions yet advanced methods to deep clean.

School Cleaning

Orzo Group has a team that understands the uniqueness of every situation. We offer flexible, safe yet quality cleaning services in Richmond using eco-friendly, mild solutions for extra care.

Medical Centre Cleaning

Regular and deep cleaning of medical centers is compulsory for patient care. We offer sanitization, disinfection and sterilization of medical centers with a specially trained team to clean medical equipment and premises.

Aged Care Centre Cleaning

Treat your loved ones with great care! Our friendly and experienced work team uses mild and eco-friendly solutions and the latest technology for these sensitive spaces.

Hospital Cleaning

We have a specially trained working team for handling and cleaning healthcare facilities that are prone to disease-spreading germs. Our cleaners are experts in Sanitation, disinfection, and deep sterilization of healthcare settings.

Fitness Center Cleaning

Make your gym attractive and clean for competitive customer traffic with us. We offer expert cleaning solutions for the premises and equipment at affordable cost.

Warehouse Cleaning

Whether it is big or small or how messy it is, it doesn't matter to our team. We do every type of warehouse cleaning including pressure washing and waste removal.

Building Cleaning

Keep the buildings safe and presentable with our building cleaning solutions. We follow the green concept by using environmentally friendly and safe chemicals to deep clean the building for safe surroundings.

Construction Site Cleaning

Your Construction site must be clean to run the daily operations smoothly. Our experienced team will handle the cleaning tasks to provide you with a safe and tidy construction site.

Builders Cleaning

Our experienced team provides the best cleaning services for surfaces and fittings. We ensure the safe handling of the property without letting you worry a bit.

Car Park Cleaning

Customers should love at first sight of the car park since it can greatly impact your commercial space. We deep clean the paths and parking areas to prevent accidents and dust spreading.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Don’t waste the invested money on your solar panel without cleaning it properly. Our expert team helps you with professional assistance to clean the sensitive equipment with great care.

Event Cleaning

Worrying about cleaning after partying? Here is the solution. We love to do the job you are concerned about. Our punctual and friendly team will clean the premises like you haven't thrown a party before.

Restaurant Cleaning

Keep the restaurants clean and hygiene is important for the health of the clients. Our experienced team offers deep cleaning services for the floors, kitchen and hoods, carpets, windows, dining areas, and car parks.

Shopping Centre Cleaning

Attract more traffic to your shopping complex with a clean environment to make it a more presentable and appealing place. We offer regular and deep cleaning of all the compartments of the complex.

Hotel Cleaning

We provide a wide range of high-quality and trusted hotel cleaning services in Richmond including the premises, flooring and the outside. We guarantee to clean your assets with great care at affordable prices.

Why You Choose Us to Clean Your Commercial Place

Expertise and Reliability

Our team only includes well-trained experts to clean any commercial space. We have the latest technology, equipment, and manpower for a reliable and best service.

Customized Cleaning Solutions

We understand every unique cleaning space and are professionally trained for every situation. That’s why we offer tailored cleaning plans for you, easy and reliable for you.

Commitment to Quality and Satisfaction

Our committed and dedicated group will give you a quality cleaning service. We prioritize quality and customer satisfaction as we just guide you while you have the space to choose the best plan.

Why You Choose Us to Clean Your Commercial Place

Expertise and Reliability

Our team only includes well-trained experts to clean any commercial space. We have the latest technology, equipment, and manpower for a reliable and best service.

Customized Cleaning Solutions

We understand every unique cleaning space and are professionally trained for every situation. That’s why we offer tailored cleaning plans for you, easy and reliable for you.

Commitment to Quality and Satisfaction

Our committed and dedicated group will give you a quality cleaning service. We prioritize quality and customer satisfaction as we just guide you while you have the space to choose the best plan.


Relax, we only use safe and non-toxic cleaning products to keep your little ones and pets safe. Your safety is our highest concern.

Generally, many carpets get bounced to their original within a few hours after our cleaning magic. However, certain factors like humidity and carpet thickness may affect drying times, so we work hard to reduce inconvenience.

Of course, we use professional and skilled cleaning carpet cleaning team experienced with removing a wide variety of stains, including wine spills, urine, and more. Our team will do their best to keep your carpets in their original version.

No, our cleaning magic is all safe for all types of carpets without causing any damage or shrinkage. Using gentle cleansers but powerful techniques make sure your floor buddies are deeply cleaned but safe without irritating their integrity.

Our advice is to give your carpets a professional cleaning experience at least once a year to maintain their appearance and increase their life span. However, homes with extensive usage around pets may benefit from more frequent cleanings.

Sure, we are confident about the results. However, if you are not happy with the results, tell us, and we’ll do our best to make it right. Your satisfaction is key to us.