Everywhere in Melbourne

We are proud to be available anywhere in Melbourne, Victoria with a wide range of cleaning services. Our expert team is ready to give your space a shine in every corner of the state with their guaranteed service.

ORZO team did a thorough job, and I was happy with the job, I am happy to recommend their business to others. - Tony, Brighton

200% gurantee

Fully Police Checked

Fully Insured

5 Star Rated Service

Areas We Serve in Melbourne

Our cleaning service expands all across Melbourne. Whether you’re in a busy city or a calming rural area, we are for your service. Our professional service spans throughout Carlton, Richmond, South Yarra, and beyond. Experience the touch of professionals at an affordable cost.

A few suburbs we service include:

Our process is hassle-free

We are concerned about providing you with a convenient service beyond your expectations and value for your money. Our company always assigns the most local team to your place to prevent any delays and for fast service.

Best Service in Melbourne

Our dedicated and trusted team will help you to give your space a complete transformation at an affordable price range. We always follow the latest standards and safe practices during our work. Our friendly and supportive team will always be by your side for a great service.

Always Available

Orzo Group has a network of professional cleaners available 24/7 for your service. Just give us a call or check our availability nearest your place. Experience the quality and standard cleaning service with our team.

Covering All Suburbs

We cover all the suburban areas with the same rates. You just have to check the date and time and confirm your service with our team. Our experienced cleaners are available in every area in Melbourne.